Thursday, June 2, 2016

RFI French on 15300 kHz May 29, 2016

An RFI French broadcast heard on May 29, 2016 at 20H17 UTC.

Equipment: using my 2001 Grundig YB 500 receiver, PLL synthesized, LSB, USB, ROM - will do an entry on it with pictures soon; no external antenna.  

Program details: Some news, including sports news (I don't have much French).

Location: 100 km north of Moscow.

What is interesting is that Radio France International has been using this particular frequency - 15300 kHz for the past 15 years at least... and probably much longer than that.

How do I know it? Simple, it is in the pre-programmed ROM of my 2001 Grundig YB 500, and RFI is the only station so far that I have found to be on its allocated frequency. Such consistency is to be commended... especially at the time that most other broadcasters in said ROM are gone, like, for good.

Sorry for poor quality visuals - it is due to  ad-hoc videoing, night, no light, old cell phone, etc. But it's radio and the sound is okay (especially for shortwave).

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